Master's Drawing - fine art print
Master's Drawing - fine art print
This is a very special piece to me. This was the very first piece that I ever decided to make prints of. So I brought the first print to Master Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj to ask Him if I could do this - make prints and sell them for $120 each. He said, "Yeah, sure - WHY NOT?!" Then He took the print and asked me, "Do you want me to advertise for you?" and held it up, calling to everyone in the room, "Look at this! This is a veerrry beautiful drawing." We were all hysterically laughing and I was dumb struck! A little later, He said, "Maybe I should buy this." and reached into His pocket, taking out some cash in a money clip. He pulled off a $100 bill, a $20 bill, and kept searching through his money for more. I said, "Oh no, Master - it's just $120." He said, "That's good, because I don't have anything less than a 20" and winked at me.
For me, this was a blessing more incredible than I could ever have imagined! I have heard that the Master now has this print framed and hanging in His home.